Monday, December 13, 2010

Oh Tanenbam

We went up into the mountains again this year to cut down our Christmas tree. Sure, we don't get the best looking tree possible, and when you factor in gas, the cost is about the same as buying one in town. But the memories are so worth it.

On the drive there:

At Read Feather Lakes National Forest Just north of Fort Collins Colorado:

We found our tree
and cut it down.

Then we had to take it to the car.

Getting ready to head home:

Time to decorate:

Not too shabby, ehh?


  1. ationlove your tree, wish we had those kinds down here. Is there alot of snow up there, we are looking to go sleding on christmas?

  2. No snow. My girls are so bummed. We has about a millimeter this morning, but that's all we've had all winter. Meh. What ever happened to having a "White Christmas"?
