Thursday, December 16, 2010

Family Christmas Letter 2010

Greetings to all,

This year has been a rather eventful one in the Rogers household. We finally bought our first home, the one we had been renting for the past four years. Sierra turned eight and was baptized and confirmed as a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Later Day Saints. Seth and Misty had their tenth anniversary (spending a “second honeymoon” in Breckenridge CO during the off season-very nice). We added a new addition to the family, a wonderful, black, male cat names Kasper. Bailey officially started school. Blake moved up into “the big kids bed”. And, saving the best news for last, everyone in the house is now toilet trained.

As far as individuals go, Seth’s practice is going along at a good clip. It keeps him busy most of the time. During his “down time” he has continued his work on interfaith dialogue through bloging and fielding email questions about the LDS Church for FAIR. He is also currently serving as the ward’s executive secretary and singing baritone in the ward choir.

Misty has been busy this year. She has tiled the main bathroom floor, resurfaced and painted the bathroom walls, painted the exterior of the house, learned the sopranino, soprano, and alto recorders, started learning the clarinet, typing, and Latin, and continued in her endeavors to homeschool the kids. She was finally released from teaching in the ward and is now on the Enrichment Committee for a short rest. Misty has once again picked up jogging and continues to read, crochet, walk, and plan.

Sierra (8) is now in 3rd grade and in her second year at Options (a once a week public school for the homeschooled child) where she is taking Computer Skills, Piano 2, Art, Math, PE, and Drama. At home she is learning Math (including multiplication, decimals, and very soon, division), Grammar, Typing, Spelling, Cursive, Dictation, Chemistry, Latin, and Renaissance History as well as reading some abridged classics including Gulliver’s Travels and The Hunchback of Notre Dame. In her spare time, she has also started to learn the soprano recorder, and she really wants to learn to play the guitar. Sierra continues to be very artistic, using everything from tin foil and plastic grocery bags to cardboard and watercolors for her projects. She is a very happy, responsible, creative, obedient, and social child, though she still has some problems when confronted with anything new.

Bailey (6) is now officially in Kindergarten, though she is doing a lot of first grade work. She is thrilled to finally be able to go to Options where she is learning Reading Skills, Math, Music, PE, Art, and Science. At home, she is doing Reading at a second grade level, Math, Handwriting, and Spelling at a first grade level, and Chemistry, Latin, and Renaissance History along with Sierra. She continues to be interested in whatever Sierra is doing, a quick learner (especially in anything language oriented), attentive to detail, stubborn, astute, manipulative, charming, and cute as a button. Things are never boring when she is around.

Blake (4) is starting to learn his colors and ABCs. He loves watching Leap Frog’s Letter Factory whenever the girls go off to Options. He has also started drawing (on everything, including the couch and walls), cutting (luckily on mostly paper and cardboard), putting puzzles together, and creating things from Legos, bristle comb blocks, and Trios. He is surprisingly good at looking at the pictures and building what he sees. He also likes sword fighting, posturing, grunting, and all of those other boy things. Blake knows what he wants and is very capable and independent for a four year old. He also keeps the cleanest room in the house. Go figure. Logical, methodical, pragmatic, perfectionistic, independent, and sweet. That’s our boy.

Kasper (8 months), our furry black cat, is a bundle of fun. He loves the outdoors, staying out as much as possible. He is also a very social kitty. He will say “hi” to anyone he sees: the mail lady, kids walking home from school, random guys walking by. Anyone. He’ll even search out our kids to play with, even when they aren’t so nice. His favorite places to sleep are on Seth’s office chair, Seth and Misty’s bed, and snuggled up with a sleeping Bailey. We’re really glad to have him.

It’s been a good year, though stressful at times. We hope all of yours have been good too. Best wishes to all, and Merry Christmas!

Lots of Love,

The Rogers Family


  1. It is crazy how fast the year goes by. I hope you have an awesome year as this year was.
