* I have gotten to know my kids VERY well, in ways that I never would have if I didn't teach them. For example, I know how their brains work, how they learn best, how long their attention span really is, how much they really know, and the difference that lack/type of food and sleep can make.
* I get to learn things too. When my kids study different animals, Egyptians, storms, castles, planets, or mythology, I learn about them too. When they learn new math concepts, sometimes I discover things as well. When my daughter starts passing me on piano, I start learning to try and stay ahead. When they learn Latin, I learn Latin. If they read a book, I often read it too. And it's fun to learn along with my kids. It's turned into a family thing.
* My kids can still entertain themselves for hours on end. They don't need outside entertainment, TV, video games, computers, or whatever else. They find things for themselves to do without relying on me to figure it out for them. They still play pretend, create stories and art, build things, play with their siblings and friends, exercise, make their own food, and simply have fun without being plugged in or given a schedule. They could go all day like this if I let them.
* No homework. This is my favorite. Once we are done with school for the day, we are done. Finished. Nothing more. Go play (once you finish your chores that is). And it doesn't matter if school only took 2 hours that day. You're done!
* I decide what is important to learn (as long as I include what the law says I have to). If I think it is important to learn cursive so that my kids will be able to read it, then I can make sure we cover it. If I don't think my kids need "social studies", I can skip it. Sex ed, scripture study, evolution, the slide rule, you name it. I'm in charge. I decide. Not some outside entity with different priorities and beliefs.
* My kids aren't inundated and swayed with public opinion. If my boy likes pink, then he's welcome to like it. Just because it's the latest fad, doesn't mean my girls are interested. They are the ones who decide what they are interested in. Want more salad? Go ahead! You hate Harry Potter? Go right ahead. It's nice to not have to follow what the social norm says. this also makes them more open to new ideas because they are not concerned with what other will think. Definite bonus.
* My kids will play with anyone. They don't care what their age is, what gender they are, what clothes they wear, what TV programs or video games they play, or how popular (or not) they are. If someone is fun to play with, that's good enough. Baby or senior citizen, poor or rich, smart or slow, pretty or not, whatever. They will be your friend if you'll be their friend too.
* I have constant, on-hand, mother's help. They help clean, cook, take care of each other, teach each other, entertain each other, and so on. When my baby comes, they will help with diapers and feedings. A couple more years and I'll have constantly available babysitters. It's nice to have help, and they are there to give it.
* You are allowed to sleep in, and your kids can stay up late on a school night with no issues. There is no morning rush or stressed pick up time. It's very relaxed. You can have your daily structure as rigid or as flexible as you want it, and it can change as often as needed. Vacation time, doctor's appointments, zoo visits, grocery store, swimming at the rec center, library, they can all be done when the crowds are low. And if a baby comes or you get really sick, you can put things off for a while without having to do "make-up work".
* My kids don't get sick that much. What they do catch is usually mild, most often just a cold. Stomach flu and strep are practically unheard of around here, and even then, they can still do school because it's at home. No waiting for antibiotics to kick in or finding that they are perfectly healthy 2 hours after school starts. No missed classes or fake illnesses around here.
*My car has put on very low milage. I'm not driving to school twice a day, sometimes more. I am not driving all over for this activity and that. I can go for a week and have hardly stepped foot in my car. Sure saves on car maintenance and gas. That doesn't mean we don't go anywhere. We've just taken out the daily trips.
*It can save you lots of money. You only spend as much as you want to on school books and supplies. Your kids don't need nice clothes. There are no school fees. Sack lunches don't exist. Field trips are completely optional and tailored to your income. How much or little you spend is all up to you.
There are certainly more things that I haven't thought of yet. I'm sure I'll discover more as time goes on. In the mean time, I'm enjoying all of the advantages I've got.
I constantly find my self looking at all the benefits that home school can bring, and I still wonder if I have it with in my self to do it. I have to tell you that you truly are my inspiration, I never would have thought of homeschooling if it weren't for you!
ReplyDeleteI'm glad I can be that inspiration, and it is scary making that decision. I don't know if I could have done it myself if I hadn't had a friend who was right there with me. 5 years later, we're still leaning on each other for support.
ReplyDeleteFor me, I decided to at least try out kindergarden. I figured if I couldn't do that much, then it wasn't for me. And if I decided not to after all, that one year at home wouldn't hurt anything. If you have older kids, try out doing summer school for a couple months. You never know. You might find, like me, that you really enjoy it, but you won't know unless you try.