Wednesday, September 17, 2008

If I had to choose

My toddler has decided that he likes to take his diaper off so that he can do his business in the buff.  I've tried getting him to use the toilet, but nothing is working.  Believe me, I've tried everything, aside of force.  That method backfired with his sisters (who I had a hard time with as well), and I don't want a repeat.

Yesterday, I had enough.  I called my mom up and begged her to come and teach him.  She doesn't know if she can come, but she walked me thorough all of the possible methods she could think of.  Check.  Tried them all.  Sigh.

Then I had to laugh at myself.  Of all the things that I would rather pass off to someone else, it ends up being toilet training.  Homeschooling, no problem.  Natural birth doesn't scare me either.  I don't even have a problem telling my kids about the birds and the bees.  But toilet training!  It is the bane of my existence.  I fear it more then any other development my kids will ever go through.

I find it amusing.  To each their own, I guess.


  1. That cracks me up! I've heard that boys train later than girls so maybe if you wait awhile . . .Good luck :)

  2. Lol. My oldest decided at age 4 (4!) that he would be potty trained. Years and years of unsuccessful teaching, and Boom! when he made up his mind to be trained, he never made a mistake.

    He's on a mission now.

    So I can safely say you're likely to have your son potty trained by the time he goes on a mission.
