Saturday, May 17, 2008

The test of time

I have been homeschooling my oldest daughter for a year now,  and I've decided that I will continue.  I figured that kindergarten was a great way to test the water, and if it didn't work, no harm would be done.  Well, kindergarten is now over, and everything went reasonably well.  She learned more then I had hoped in some areas, a little less then hoped in others, and I still have my sanity.   I think that I will call it a success.

Even so, first grade looms before us.  The hours of school will double along with the subjects taught, and my youngest daughter, who is 3 1/2, has decided she wants to do "school" too.  It's a daunting task.  Maybe I should consider this year as an experiment as well.  I'm not half as intimidated as I was at the start of last year, but it's still a big change.  

We're just going to take things a year at a time.

1 comment:

  1. Misty! I love your blog! You are an awesome mommy and I am so impressed by your ability to homeschool your kids! You go girl!
